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About Me

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TX, United States
I am a 39 yr. old stay at home mom to 3 girls ages 10, 9 and 7. My goal is to be fit by 40! I want to lead a healthier lifestyle. I was banded on 4/5/2011. I tend to be a bit on the sarcastic and cynical side. I love to read, hate to excersise (but am learning to tolerate it!), love to shop and want to smack anyone who is a size 2 (not really!). I am learning to work with my band and my new self one day at a time!

Contact Info

Please feel free to e-mail me at brendamyers@msn.com

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Monday, November 5, 2012

30 Days Of Gratitude..............Day 5

I am grateful for my recovery from my VAD/Stroke.

Today at the gym (our gym is also the physical therapy office for the hospital) a lady came in and began to exercise on the cross-trainer next to me.  She had clearly had a stroke.  Her gait was unbalanced and her speech and mannerisms were labored.

And it made me remember all too well those early days of recovery.

When it took every ounce of my energy to walk across the room.  When I felt so frustrated to not remember the correct word I wanted to use.  When I was appalled that I (a 34 yr. old) had to use a walker just to get the bathroom.

I remember that out of control feeling.  The feeling that what I wanted and what my body would physically do did not match. 

And today I am thankful that my recovery (after almost 7 years) has come so far.  It truly is miraculous.

Sure there are days when I feel off.  When I am tired.  When I limp a little.  But I have pushed beyond every obstacle that was thrown my way.  I have overcome what the doctors said was impossible.

I am truly thankful for my recovery and for the journey I have taken.

It has made me stronger, more resilient and I think a more compassionate person than the person I was before my stroke.


  1. Wow. amazing to have to go through that at such a young age. Congrats on your comeback and all your hard work.

  2. so happy that you had such a recovery, and that you continue to work hard. I watched my dad recover from many many strokes, I could always see how hard he was working on a word, or a step, or just to chew something. talk about being a fighter, to recover is not easy and I am so glad that you did :o) keep up the hard work <3

  3. Amazing story...and yes - one to be grateful for!

  4. Love that you are doing 30 days of gratitude....Congrats on your recovery

  5. Crazy yes, but what a true inspiration of where you have come---awesome day 5!
