Weight Loss Ticker

About Me

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TX, United States
I am a 39 yr. old stay at home mom to 3 girls ages 10, 9 and 7. My goal is to be fit by 40! I want to lead a healthier lifestyle. I was banded on 4/5/2011. I tend to be a bit on the sarcastic and cynical side. I love to read, hate to excersise (but am learning to tolerate it!), love to shop and want to smack anyone who is a size 2 (not really!). I am learning to work with my band and my new self one day at a time!

Contact Info

Please feel free to e-mail me at brendamyers@msn.com

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sample, Samples and More Samples!!!

Here are a few websites that have band friendly starter and sample kits.

Syntrax Nectar - 13 ct sample pack direct from the company is now $13.00 no shipping. Just call them at 866-333-7403 . There is an option on the phone tree for bariatric.  http://www.si03.com/

BJ Bariatrics - Nectar sample pack $12.92+$5.00 shipping http://www.bjsbariatrics.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&St ore_Code=bjb&Product_Code=synSamplePack&Category_Code=syn

Kaffree Roma - For those needing to get off coffee for a while or forever. Caffeine free and taste awesome. There product locater helps a lot most Martins carry it in the organic section.http://www.morningstarfarms.com/product_detail.aspx?family=3 698&id=302

Designer Whey - Email them why you want samples and they send them.  http://www.designerwhey.com/

Set Point Health - Email them why you want samples and they will send you a list of what is available and send them.https://setpointheal...h/main/main.asp#

4Ever Fit - Email them that you would like to try the Fruit Blast Natural (truvia), the Fruit Blast the Isolate, and 4ever Whey Protein and why and they will send samples.  http://4everfit.com/

Champion Nutrition - Email them that you would like to try the Champion Pure Whey and why and they will send samples.  http://www.championnutrition.com/

Ultimate Nutrition - Email or call that you would like to try the Prostar Whey and they will send samples.  http://ultimatenutrition.com/

Permalean - Email that you would like to try the shakes and bars and they will send you some. I like these.  http://www.permalean.com/

Quest Protein - Fill out the form but they will take awhile to mail them to you. http://www.questprot.../free/index.asp

Premier Nutrition - A great protein bar. Email them and tell them you want to try the Titan, Twisted and Premier Bar. They will also send shake samples.  http://www.premiernutrition.com/

Focus 28 - Email that you would like to try their products and they will send you many. https://store.focus28diet.com

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