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About Me

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TX, United States
I am a 39 yr. old stay at home mom to 3 girls ages 10, 9 and 7. My goal is to be fit by 40! I want to lead a healthier lifestyle. I was banded on 4/5/2011. I tend to be a bit on the sarcastic and cynical side. I love to read, hate to excersise (but am learning to tolerate it!), love to shop and want to smack anyone who is a size 2 (not really!). I am learning to work with my band and my new self one day at a time!

Contact Info

Please feel free to e-mail me at brendamyers@msn.com

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Friday, February 10, 2012

I NEED This Scarf

I jest that my ta-tas look like two socks stuffed with tennis balls.  I jest because this is in fact TRUE.  Sad, huh?  So the other day I came across this picture on the time-sucking website of Pinterest. 

I must have this scarf.  It is speaking to me.  Calling me.   How fun would this be to wear to a BOOBS convention? 


  1. That is wrong and awesome all at the same!!!!!

  2. Sadly that is what mine look like bra-less.......

  3. Too funny! I need one for Mardi Gras!!! You know, I can knit...I wonder if I could make one...

  4. Mine look like that, too. Sadface.

    Love the scarf, I think someone should knit/crotchet/whatever a bunch of these for us. LOL

  5. I totally think we should get these for Chicago this year!!!! I would rock it!!!!

  6. Bahahaha! I'm dying here!
    Yes, you should get one. And then post pictures.
