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About Me

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TX, United States
I am a 39 yr. old stay at home mom to 3 girls ages 10, 9 and 7. My goal is to be fit by 40! I want to lead a healthier lifestyle. I was banded on 4/5/2011. I tend to be a bit on the sarcastic and cynical side. I love to read, hate to excersise (but am learning to tolerate it!), love to shop and want to smack anyone who is a size 2 (not really!). I am learning to work with my band and my new self one day at a time!

Contact Info

Please feel free to e-mail me at brendamyers@msn.com

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Stylin' New Look......Thanks to a 10 yr. old!

I can not take the credit for downloading my new blog background.  Being the computer-challenged type when it comes to blog design,  I turned to the expert in my house..............my 10 yr. old daughter.

Yesterday, I tried to copy and paste the background with no success.  For 2 hours.  Needless to say, I was a wee bit pissed off at the computer.

My daughter fixed it in 10 minutes.........tops.  No lie.  She is a brilliant computer master-mind. 

What makes my computer inabilities even more pathetic is my husband is the IT (Information Technology ) Director at the hospital.  That's right, he is the head geek.  His wife on the other hand, constantly has to turn the computer off and back on again to fix the problems I create.

So, thanks Hannah, you made mommies blog very pretty.  And if you ever need advice.............she said she is taking e-mails. :)


  1. LOL...you and I have something in common...my hubby is the chief geek (CIO) for 2 hospitals right now and I only know enough about computers to be dangerous! Love the new background...I'd like one too but I'm not ambitious enough to try it myself ;)

  2. Blog is looking good ! Great job, Hannah !
