Weight Loss Ticker

About Me

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TX, United States
I am a 39 yr. old stay at home mom to 3 girls ages 10, 9 and 7. My goal is to be fit by 40! I want to lead a healthier lifestyle. I was banded on 4/5/2011. I tend to be a bit on the sarcastic and cynical side. I love to read, hate to excersise (but am learning to tolerate it!), love to shop and want to smack anyone who is a size 2 (not really!). I am learning to work with my band and my new self one day at a time!

Contact Info

Please feel free to e-mail me at brendamyers@msn.com

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Uneventful Weigh In..........again.

Today I loathe the scale............I mean really, really loathe it!  Why?  It has not budged again. 

I have been playing with the same pound now for 2 weeks.  Up to 231 then back down to 230.  I think my body is protesting letting go the 5 lbs. it lost 2 weeks ago.  So.............

On to a new plan.  Last week, I cut calories to around 1,000 and exercised daily.  I do not think 1,000 calories is enough for me. 

This week I will stay between 1,200 to 1,300 and hit the gym at least 3 days and swim at least 3 days.  I am going to tackle the elliptical machine.........oh how I dread that awful torture contraption!

Also, I have been reaching my protein goal BUT have been a little lax on the carbs.  Not this week.  My goal is to only eat really lean protein, my yummy Greek yogurt and carb friendly veggies.

Oh, and take my Benefiber because with all that protein, I am sure to get backed up. 

That is my plan.  Sounds good written out.........hopefully, I can stick to it!

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, your posts are not showing up on my blog roll on a timely basis. I wonder if I have something 'set' wrong. Anyway I like your NEW plan :) What is your protein goal?
